《天才枪手》早已公映了,没有公映前大家都它的关注度就早已很高了,公映后却是最近较为火的电影之一了,影片中不少音乐也倍受注目,那么天才枪手班克醒脑的歌曲叫什么?下面就回来小编一起来想到模范生班克听的音乐歌词讲解。天才枪手醒脑歌单男主的醒脑歌单仅有是出自于Mozart的,可以自己搜一下魔笛,the magic flute queen of night 黑夜皇后,aria N14 第14号咏叹调(闻奥地利经典歌剧)等。天才枪手最后的片尾曲你是不是听得呢?最后的泰文片尾曲有两个译名分别是《Why Cant You See》和《look at me》天才枪手《Why Cant You See》歌词If weve got something going tell me why is he here?You leave me hanging by the thread when the lion is near.Im not about to drop the ballYou clearly cannot stayWhy cant you see with my hands holding your eyes openIts hard for me to think when your mouth is always moving.(He Screams Something)Keep yourself quite now.Just be quite.Just be quite now.Well you could have been all I wanted and all that I need.But you had to leave cause its so easy to fall in love with machinesIm not about to drop the ballYou clearly cannot stayWhy cant you see with my hands holding your eyes openIts hard for me to think when your mouth is always moving.Shut up sit down but your way out just leave me aloneYou cant make me belive that you have changed at all.Go away. No please stay.Go away. youll stay.Stay away.Go away. No please stay.Go away. youll stay.Stay away.Why cant you see with my hands holding your eyes openIts hard for me to think when your mouth is always moving.Shut up sit down but your way out just leave me alone.You cant make me belive that you have changed at all.天才枪手《天才枪手》是所有经历过考试的人,都能有所回响的电影。除了拍电影出有学生时代读书考试的联合回想外,更加超越以往校园电影小情小爱的印象,拍电影出有考试制度下每个人的独特性,其中又以是我们选大学,不是大学选我们的热血呼喊,为愤被分数定义的学生们倾听。